Meeting documents

Tuesday, 13th November, 2018 6.00 pm

Business Items
1Public Participation, petitions, and deputations (Standing Orders 2(vi) and 17)
 The Council will hear any person who wishes to address it in accordance with the Standing Orders. The Chairman will select the order of the matters to be heard. Each person will be limited to a period of five minutes for public participation and deputations and three minutes for petitions. This section of the meeting must not exceed 30 minutes and discussion must not refer to a current planning application.

The Council will also receive questions from the public and provide answers thereto, subject to the Chairman being satisfied that the questions are relevant to the business of the meeting.
2Apologies for absence
3Petitions to be presented by Members (Standing Order No. 16)
 These have to be received by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services by 12.00 noon on the day of the meeting.
4Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (Standing Order 37)
 A Member must declare any disclosable pecuniary interest where it relates to any matter being considered at the meeting. A declaration of a disclosable pecuniary interest should indicate the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. A Member is not permitted to participate in this agenda item by law and should immediately leave the meeting before the start of any debate.

If the Member leaves the Chamber in respect of a declaration, he or she should ensure that the Chairman is aware of this before he or she leaves to enable their exit from the meeting to be recorded in the minutes in accordance with Standing Order 37.
 25 September 2018, to approve as a correct record (attached)
 Other - 05 minutes 250918 
6Motions by Members (Standing Order No. 14)
 (1) EU Citizens and Brexit (Councillor Mike Bell)

'This Council recognises the invaluable contribution of European Union citizens who live and work in North Somerset, many of whom work in jobs that provide vital community services including with the council and our health and emergency services.

Council notes than an estimated 7,000 people from EU countries live in North Somerset and have faced uncertainty as Britain leaves the European Union. Council also notes that some British citizens ordinarily resident in North Somerset currently live or work elsewhere in the EU.

This Council therefore:

1. Pledges to provide relevant support to EU citizens who live or work in North Somerset, during and after the Brexit process;

2. Confirms that it believes that all EU citizens who live in the District should retain their right to vote in and be candidates in local elections;

3. Requests that the Executive explore ways in which the council can best assist EU citizens in North Somerset apply for settled status and British citizenship, as appropriate, particularly in the case of children and young people, families and those in receipt of council care support services;

4. Also requests that the Executive explore ways in which North Somerset residents living or working overseas can be equally supported, as required, through the Brexit process.'

(2) Government Proposals on Non-Hydraulic Fracking as Permitted Development (Councillor Tom Leimdorfer)

'The government has been carrying out consultation on whether to make non-hydraulic fracking (exploratory drilling for fracking) a permitted development and hence not subject to the normal planning process. This has been considered by cross-party bodies such as the Parliamentary Select Committee and the Local Government Association, as well as by a range of non-governmental organisations. The matter is of particular relevance to North Somerset Council, given the Oil and Gas Licensing Blocks ST35 and ST36 include coastal areas from Clevedon to Brean as well as areas along the edges of the AONB (which itself would be excluded from permitted development).

The Motion proposed:
(1) This Council is in agreement with the conclusions of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Communities and Local Government (July 2018) that ‘Shale gas development of any type should not be classed as a permitted development. Given the contentious nature of fracking, local communities should be able to have a say in whether this type of development takes place, particularly as concerns about the construction, locations and cumulative impact of drill pads are yet to be assuaged by the Government’.

(2) The Council is also in agreement with the Local Government Association statement of May 2018: 'We oppose any proposal for shale exploration to be allowed to bypass the locally democratic planning system through permitted development or national planning inspectors. We are clear that it should be up to local communities to decide whether or not to host fracking operations in their areas.'

(3) This Council affirms that local councils should have a meaningful say in whether projects go ahead, where these could result in significant local impacts such as increased traffic, fields and open spaces being converted to drilling sites. Local councils should retain the right to represent their communities’ needs and wishes. We ask our Chief Executive to convey these views to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.'
 Other - 06 Motions by Members 131118 
7Matters referred from previous meeting
8Chairman’s announcements
9Leader’s announcements
10Chief Executive’s announcements
11Forward Plan dated 2 November 2018
 Report - 11 Forward Plan 021118 
12Policy and Scrutiny Panel Report
 Report of Councillor Willis and Councillor Cave (attached)
 Report - 12 Policy and Scrutiny Panel Report 131118 
13Question Time (Standing Order No. 18)
 Questions must relate to issues relevant to the work of the Executive. Question Time will normally last for 20 minutes.

Members are requested to supply the Democratic Services Officer with a note of each question at, or just after, the meeting. A summary note of each question will be included in an appendix to the minutes.
14Report and matters referred from the Executive, 16 October 2018
15Reports and matters referred from the Policy/Overview and Scrutiny Panels other than those dealt with elsewhere on this agenda
16Reports and matters referred from the other Committees other than those dealt with elsewhere on this agenda
 Employment Committee – 15 October 2018

EMP 23 Interviews for Chief Executive Post (Agenda item 8)
 Other - 16 EMP 23 - 151018 
17Reports on joint arrangements and external organisations and questions relating thereto
 (1) Avon Fire Authority
Oral report

(2) West of England Joint Scrutiny Committee
The Joint Scrutiny Committee has not met since the September Council meeting.

(3) Avon Pension Fund Committee (Councillor Blatchford)
Avon Pension Fund Committee Annual Report to Bath & North East Somerset Council (attached)
 Report - 17.3 Avon Pension Fund Committee Annual Report to Council 2017-18 for NSC 
 Report - 17.3a Avon Pension Fund Investment Panel Terms of Reference 
18Youth Justice Partnership Plan 01/04/18 – 31/03/21
 Report of Councillor Barber (attached)
 Report - 18 Youth Justice Partnership Plan 
 Report - 18.1 Youth Justice Partnership Plan 18-21 appendix 
19Draft Municipal Calendar 2019/20
 Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services (attached)
 Report - 19 Draft Muncipal Calendar 2019-20 
 Report - 19.1 DRAFT Calendar 2019-20 
20Urgent business permitted by the Local Government Act 1972 (if any)
 For a matter to be considered as an urgent item, the following question must be addressed: 'What harm to the public interest would flow from leaving it until the next meeting?' If harm can be demonstrated, then it is open to the Chairman to rule that it be considered as urgent. Otherwise the matter cannot be considered urgent within the statutory provisions.