Meeting documents

Tuesday, 25th June, 2019 6.00 pm

Business Items
1Public Participation, petitions, and deputations (Standing Orders 2(vi) and 17)
 The Council will hear any person who wishes to address it in accordance with the Standing Orders. The Chairman will select the order of the matters to be heard. Each person will be limited to a period of five minutes for public participation and deputations and three minutes for petitions. This section of the meeting must not exceed 30 minutes and discussion must not refer to a current planning application. The Council will also receive questions from the public and provide answers thereto, subject to the Chairman being satisfied that the questions are relevant to the business of the meeting.
2Apologies for absence
3Petitions to be presented by Members (Standing Order No. 16)
 These have to be received by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services by 12.00 noon on the day of the meeting.
4Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (Standing Order 37)
 A Member must declare any disclosable pecuniary interest where it relates to any matter being considered at the meeting. A declaration of a disclosable pecuniary interest should indicate the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. A Member is not permitted to participate in this agenda item by law and should immediately leave the meeting before the start of any debate.

If the Member leaves the Chamber in respect of a declaration, he or she should ensure that the Chairman is aware of this before he or she leaves to enable their exit from the meeting to be recorded in the minutes in accordance with Standing Order 37.
 14 May 2019, to approve as a correct record (attached)
 Other - 05 cou minute 140519 
6Motions by Members (Standing Order No. 14)
 (1) Governance Reform (Councillor Donald Davies)

'This Council is committed to a reforming agenda and as part of that agenda it will review the authority's democratic structure to ensure that we have a council which is more accessible, open, transparent and sustainable. In order to fulfil these commitments a Governance Reform Working Group is to be established, reflecting political balance, to review existing governance arrangements and bring recommendations for change to this Council at the earliest opportunity. The review will look specifically at:

• The most effective way of creating an inclusive, open and transparent system decision-making structure to supercede the current model;
• Opportunities for greater devolution of responsibilities to and partnerships with Town and Parish Councils (should they so wish) and further collaboration with the voluntary sector;
• Options for greater decision-making and/or budget holding by empowered ward councillors or area groupings of North Somerset councillors;
• Increasing opportunities for residents, local stakeholders, and town and parish councils to comment upon and influence decisions of the council;
• Ensuring that the new decision-making process balances speed of execution with the need to consult to ensure optimal decision making for our communities;
• The use of collaborative ways of working and technology.

This will enable the authority to provide the best possible services, promote fairness and reduce inequalities creating a better North Somerset for all, provide opportunities for growth and deliver a financially secure local authority.

The working group will produce a first report for consideration at September’s council meeting and the new structure is to be in place on or before the 2020-21 Annual Meeting in May 2020. The working group will consist of 12 members, chaired by Cllr Paul Gardner and be given support by the Local Government Association.'
 Other - 06 Motion on Governance Reform 
7Matters referred from previous meeting
8Chairman’s announcements
9Leader’s announcements
10Chief Executive’s announcements
11Forward Plan dated 31 May 2019
 Other - 11 Forward Plan 310519 final 
12Reports of the Policy/Overview and Scrutiny Panels
13Question Time (Standing Order No. 18)
 Questions must relate to issues relevant to the work of the Executive. Question Time will normally last for 20 minutes.

Members are requested to supply the Democratic Services Officer with a note of each question at, or just after, the meeting. A summary note of each question will be included in an appendix to the minutes.
14Report and matters referred from the Executive
15Reports and matters referred from the Policy/Overview and Scrutiny Panels other than those dealt with elsewhere on this agenda
16Reports and matters referred from the other Committees other than those dealt with elsewhere on this agenda
17Reports on joint arrangements and external organisations and questions relating thereto
 (1) Avon Fire Authority
The Fire Authority has not met since the previous report to Council.

(2) West of England Joint Scrutiny Committee
Report of Councillor James (attached)
 Other - 17.2 WECA Overview and Scrutiny Draft Minutes 20190612 
18MetroWest Phase 1 Submission of Development Consent Order Application and Associated Approvals (includes exempt appendices)
 Report of Councillor Tonkin (attached)
 Report - 18 MetroWest Phase 1 Submission of DCO Application 
 Report - 18.1 Appendix 1 - Simplified Plan of the DCO Scheme 
 Report - 18.2 Appendix 2 - Draft Development Consent Order 10 May 2019 
 Report - 18.3 Appendix 3 - Draft Works Plans Rev H 
 Report - 18.4 Appendix 4 - DOC_155618280(1)_Summary of NPS Policy 
 Report - 18.5 Appendix 5 - Addendum to OBC 02-05-19 
 Report - 18.6 Appendix 6 - List of Affected Highways 
 Report - 18.7 Appendix 7 - Draft Land Plans 
 Report - 18.8 Appendix 8 - Summary of land requirements 
 Report - 18.9 Appendix 9 - ES Appendix 14.1 EqIA_DRAFT FINAL 
 Report - 18.10 Appendix 10 - Separation of responsiblities document May 2019 
 Report - 18.11 Appendix 11 - Draft Promotion Agreement WBD amends 24 May 2019 
 Report - 18.12 Appendix 12 - Stage-2-consultation-report-final 
19Housing Infrastructure Fund (Forward Fund) Commissioning Plan Approval
 Report of Councillor Tonkin (attached)
 Report - 19 Housing Infrastructure Fund Commissioning Plan Approval 
20Appointments on Outside Bodies and Other Roles
 Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services (attached)
 Report - 20 Appointment on Outside Bodies and Other Roles 
21Urgent business permitted by the Local Government Act 1972 (if any)
 For a matter to be considered as an urgent item, the following question must be addressed: 'What harm to the public interest would flow from leaving it until the next meeting?' If harm can be demonstrated, then it is open to the Chairman to rule that it be considered as urgent. Otherwise the matter cannot be considered urgent within the statutory provisions.