Meeting documents

Adult Services and Housing Policy and Scrutiny Panel
Thursday, 25th June, 2020 10.30 am

Business Items
1Public discussion (Standing Order SSO 9 as amended by SO 5A)
 To receive written submissions from any person who wishes to address the Committee. The Chairman will select the order of the matters to be received.

Please ensure that any submissions meet the required time limits and would take no longer than five minutes to read out.

Requests and full statements must be submitted in writing to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, or to the officer mentioned at the top of this agenda letter, by noon on the day before the meeting and the request must detail the subject matter of the address.
2Apologies for absence and notification of substitutes
3Declaration of disclosable pecuniary interest (Standing Order 37)
 A Member must declare any disclosable pecuniary interest where it relates to any matter being considered at the meeting. A declaration of a disclosable pecuniary interest should indicate the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. A Member is not permitted to participate in this agenda item by law and should immediately leave the meeting before the start of any debate.

If the Member leaves the meeting in respect of a declaration, he or she should ensure that the Chairman is aware of this before he or she leaves to enable their exit from the meeting to be recorded in the minutes in accordance with Standing Order 37.
 14 November 2019, to approve as a correct record (attached)
 Other - 04 ASH Minutes 141119 
5Matters referred by Council, the Executive, other Committees and Panels
6The Panel's Work Plan (attached)
 Members will note that this is the pre-covid19 Plan which clearly needs to be fundamentally reviewed in this new and rapidly evolving landscape.
 Report - 06 The Panels Work Plan June 2020 
7Service response Covid-19: Hospital Discharges (attached)
 Presentation by the Assitant Director (People & Communities)
8Covid-19 Commissioning update (attached)
 Presentation by the Head of Commissoning (People & Communities)
 Report - 08 Covid-19 Commissioning Update 
9Homelessness update (attached)
 Presentation by the Head of Housing & Strategy (People & Communities)
 Report - 09 Homelessness update 
10Month 12 Adult Care Budget Monitor (attached)
 Report by the Finance & Business Partner (People & Communities)
 Report - 10 Month 12 Adult Care Budget Monitor 