Meeting documents

Adult Services and Housing Policy and Scrutiny Panel
Thursday, 27th July, 2017 10.30 am

Agendas, Minutes and Reports




P Robert Cleland

A Peter Crew

P Ruth Jacobs

P David Jolley

David Shopland

P Richard Tucker

P Liz Wells

P Roz Willis

A Deborah Yamanaka




P: Present

A: Apologies for absence submitted


Also in attendance: Councillor Jill Iles, Councillor Dawn Payne and Georgie Bigg (Healthwatch)


Officers in attendance: Howard Evans, Mark Hughes, Sheila Smith, Hayley Verrico (People and Communities); Katherine Sokol, Leo Taylor (Corporate Services).




Declarations of Interest by Members (Agenda Item 3)






Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 March 2017 (Agenda Item 4.1)


Resolved: that, subject to the addition of Councillor Tom Leimdorfer to the list of Members present, the minutes of the meeting be approved as a correct record.




The Panels Work Plan (Agenda Item 6)


To set context for the Panels discussion and agreement of its work plan for 2017-18, the Head of Housing and Strategy gave a brief presentation outlining the People and Communities Directorate Statement for 2017-18. This set out the Directorates key contributions to delivering the Councils Corporate Plan together with its high level priorities, identified challenges and risks for the coming year.


Discussion about the Panels work plan then followed around the following topics:-


      ASSH services finance/budget the Chair of the Panels budget steering group gave a presentation updating Members on trends, budget, provision, staffing and outlook. Following the presentation, Councillors Mary Blatchford and Richard Tucker volunteered to join the budget steering group.


      Combined Clinical Commissioning Groups turnaround programme and concerns around Mental Health services Officers confirmed that they were challenging some of the CCG savings proposals around S.177 mental health services.


Members suggested that a joint working group be established with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel to scrutinise the Combined CCG two year turnaround programme. This would be considered further in consultation with the Chairman of HOSP.


      Housing the Private Sector Housing Review would be scrutinised by the Panels housing steering group in due course and the work plan updated accordingly. The steering group would engage with officers on progress and development.


Having considered the Work Plan, which had been updated to reflect outcomes of discussion from the previous meeting, Members:-


Concluded: that the work plan be updated to include actions and proposals arising from the current meeting.




Performance Monitoring (Agenda Item 7)


The Head of Housing and Strategy invited Members feedback from the report which identified the position against performance targets relevant to the remit of the Panel as at 31st March 2017.


Officers responded to Members comments and queries as follows:-


(1) Number of affordable houses completed (KCPI 155) Although short of the 150 homes target (by 20 homes) in 2016/17, this was an improvement on the previous years performance and, but for on-site delays, the target would have been achieved.


(2) Percentage of people satisfied with the care and support services they receive (Adult Social Care Survey results) (KCPI 495) the 69.5% result against the 75% target was not of significant concern, recognising that the dip in the figures reflected the challenges around introducing new models of care that put greater emphasis on supporting people to stay at home where possible.


(3) Lack of information about Community Meals Service Data An audit of the Community Meals service was being undertaken and had taken priority. This was looking closely at costs, and, bearing in mind it was not a statutory requirement, at ways of delivering the service cost neutrally. Officers confirmed that exploratory discussions with the voluntary sector had been initiated regarding options going forward.


On behalf of a number of members of the public present at the meeting, a Panel Member referred to the Councils performance in respect of the time families spend in temporary accommodation and asked about the measures being taken to provide permanent homes. Officers referred to the role played by Alliance Homes in providing temporary accommodation and to the focus on preventative measures such a negotiation with landlords and relatives. The issue was not so much about the time spent in temporary accommodation (on average around 13.5 weeks) but rather the total numbers. It was agreed that any specific queries should be put to officers outside the meeting.


Concluded: that the performance monitor for the 2016/17 financial year be received and that Members comments be forwarded to officers in the form of the minutes.




Fire Safety Update (Agenda Item 8)


The Private Sector Housing Service Leader presented the report updating the Panel on the actions taken since the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower and providing a broad background to fire safety legislation in relation to residential properties.


Members sought and received clarification on the following issues:-


           Building regulations and developer responsibilities in respect of fire regulations;

           Number and location of housing over 18 metres in height in North Somerset;

           Regulations and policies in respect of sprinkler fitting and retro-fitting;


Members noted that an internal Fire Safety Review Group had been established comprising colleagues from a range of services involved in fire safety standards and asset management which would respond to any new information or guidance released following the Grenfell Tower fire and that Members would be kept informed of any developments. Any proposed changes would be subject to consultation and Panel would have an opportunity for engagement at that stage.


Concluded: that the report be received and that Members comments be forwarded to officers in the form of the minutes.




Community Meals (Agenda Item 9)


The Assistant Director, People and Communities presented the report providing an update on the implementation of the action plan following the internal review of business support functions in respect of the Community Meals service.


Members noted that an audit of the service was being undertaken and requested that any report on the conclusions from this work be shared with the Panel.


Concluded: that the report be received.




North Somerset Care Home Market (Agenda Item 10)


The Director, People & Communities, updated Members on the current state of the care home market.


In response to Members concerns, she clarified the implications of the higher care home placement rate paid by neighbouring authorities for placements of their residents in North Somerset care homes. Following discussions with those Councils, she was optimistic that an understanding had been reached on numbers of placements in the district. She was concerned, however, that any move towards standardising rates between the local authorities in the area would present a significant financial risk to the Authority.


Concluded: that the update be received.





