Meeting documents

Licensing Committee
Friday, 12th June, 2015 10.00 am

Agendas, Minutes and Reports



P Felicity Baker (Chairman)



P Karen Barclay

A Ericka Blades

P Mary Blatchford

A James Clayton

A Andy Cole

P John Crockford-Hawley

A Ann Harley

P Jill Iles

A Richard Nightingale

P Marcia Pepperall

P Kate Stowey

P James Tonkin

A Martin Williams

P Roz Willis



P: Present

A: Apologies for absence submitted


Officers in attendance: Sioux Isherwood (Development & Environment), Heather Sanders (Corporate Services)




Election of Chairman for the 2015-16 Municipal Year (Agenda item 1)


Resolved: that Councillor Mrs Baker be elected as Chairman for the 2015-16 Municipal Year.




Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (Agenda item 2)






Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 October 2014 (Agenda item 5)


Resolved: that subject to an amendment recording Councillor Mrs Williss apology, the minutes of the meeting be approved as a correct record.




Adoption of Section 17 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 (Agenda item 7)


The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Head of Legal and Democratic Services, regarding the legal requirement that appointments to committees and sub-committees were subject to political balance. The report sought the Committees agreement to waive this obligation in respect of appointments to the Licensing Sub-Committee and this was unanimously agreed to by those Members present.


A Member queried the process for appointing Members to the Licensing Sub-Committee and it was agreed to review the effectiveness of the existing arrangements at the next meeting of the Licensing Committee in October.


Resolved: that Section 17 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 be adopted so that political balance does not apply to appointments to the Licensing Sub-Committee.




