Meeting documents

Standards Sub-Committee
Tuesday, 31st January, 2017

Agendas, Minutes and Reports Contact:

Contact: Julia Parkes

Direct Dial: 01934 634916


Date: 20th January 2017














Dear Sir or Madam


Standards Sub-Committee

Tuesday, 31st January 2017, 2.00 pm, Hutton Suite, Town Hall


A meeting of the Committee will take place as indicated above. The agenda is set out overleaf.



Yours faithfully





Head of Legal and Democratic Services





To: Members of the Committee


North Somerset Councillors: Andy Cole, Jill Iles, Martin Williams


Independent Member: Nick Carter-Brown


This document and associated papers can be made available in a different format on request.











1                    Election of Chairman for the Meeting

2                    Apologies for Absence

3                    Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (Standing Order 37)

A Member must declare any disclosable pecuniary interest where it relates to any matter being considered at the meeting. A declaration of a disclosable pecuniary interest should indicate the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. A Member is not permitted to participate in this agenda item by law and should immediately leave the meeting before the start of any debate.


If the Member leaves the Chamber in respect of a declaration, he or she should ensure that the Chairman is aware of this before he or she leaves to enable their exit from the meeting to be recorded in the minutes in accordance with Standing Order 37.


4                    Minutes

Meeting 10 October 2016 to approve as a correct record (attached)


5                    Complaint against a North Somerset Councillor (04/2016) (report and exempt appendices attached)




Exempt Items

Should the Committee wish to consider a matter as an Exempt Item, the Committee will be invited to pass the following resolution


(1) That the press, public, and officers not required by the Members, the Chief Executive or the Director, to remain during the exempt session, be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business on the ground that its consideration will involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972.


Also, if appropriate, the following resolution should be passed


(2) That members of the Council who are not members of this Panel be invited to remain.


Mobile phones, PDAs and other mobile devices

All persons attending this meeting are requested to ensure that these devices are switched to silent mode. The Chairman may approve an exception to this request in special circumstances.


Filming and Recording of Meetings
The proceedings of this meeting may be recorded for broadcasting purposes. Anyone wishing to film part or all of the proceedings may do so unless the press and public are excluded for that part of the meeting or there is good reason not to do so, as directed by the Chairman. Any filming must be done as unobtrusively as possible from a single fixed position without the use of any additional lighting, focusing only on those actively participating in the meeting and having regard to the wishes of any members of the public present who may not wish to be filmed. As a matter of courtesy, anyone wishing to film proceedings is asked to advise the Chairman or the Head of Legal and Democratic Services representative before the start of the meeting so that all those present may be made aware that it is happening.

Members of the public may also use Facebook or Twitter or other forms of social media to report on proceedings at this meeting.


Emergency Evacuation Procedure


ON HEARING THE ALARM (a continuous two tone siren)


Leave the room by the nearest exit door. Ensure that windows are closed.


Last person out to close the door.


Do Not stop to collect personal belongings.


Do Not use the lifts.


Follow the green and white exit signs and make your way to the assembly point.


Do Not re-enter the building until authorised to do so by the Fire Authority.


Go To Assembly Point C Outside the offices formerly occupied by Stephen & Co