Agenda and draft minutes

Council - Tuesday, 17th September, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: New Council Chamber

Contact: Hazel Brinton 


No. Item


Public Participation, petitions, and deputations (Standing Orders 2 (vi) and 17) pdf icon PDF 58 KB

The Council will hear any person who wishes to address it in accordance with the Standing Orders. The Chairperson will select the order of the matters to be heard.


Each person will be limited to a period of five minutes for public participation and deputations and three minutes for petitions.  This section of the meeting must not exceed 30 minutes and discussion must not refer to a current planning application.  


The Council will also receive questions from the public and provide answers thereto, subject to the Chairperson being satisfied that the questions are relevant to the business of the meeting.  


Requests must be submitted in writing to the Assistant Director Legal & Governance and Monitoring Officer, or to the officer mentioned at the top of this agenda letter, by noon on the day before the meeting and the request must detail the subject matter of the address.


Robert Thackeray, Local Resident – antisocial behaviour

Dan Adams, Business Rate Payer – Clevedon BID 2


  1. Robert Thackeray addressed the meeting regarding anti-social behaviour from the persistent barking of a dog in a residential property in a nearby garden to where he was a resident. He described the extent of the issue, disruption and distress caused to himself and fellow residents, and the action that had been taken to date since 2021 to resolve the matter. He asked that North Somerset Council use the powers available to support in improving the situation with the desired outcome being cessation of the barking.


  1. Dan Adams spoke on the Clevedon Business Improvement District and addressed the meeting regarding concerns about the handling of the Clevedon Business Improvement District and Clevedon BID 2. He claimed that North Somerset Council had failed to take responsibility and accountability for legislative failures around the bid, and that serious questions remained unanswered. He expressed concerns about the council's decision-making process and lack of Executive involvement in key decisions. Mr Adams requested that all activities concerning Clevedon BID 2 were ceased until the council had established its legal authority and the current issues were resolved.


Responses to the questions in public participation to be found in appendix 1.



Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (Standing Order 37)

A Member must declare any disclosable pecuniary interest where it relates to any matter being considered at the meeting. A declaration of a disclosable pecuniary interest should indicate the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. A Member is not permitted to participate in this agenda item by law and should immediately leave the meeting before the start of any debate.


If the Member leaves the meeting in respect of a declaration, he or she should ensure that the Chairperson is aware of this before he or she leaves to enable their exit from the meeting to be recorded in the minutes in accordance with Standing Order 37.


None declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 92 KB

9 July 2024, to approve as a correct record (attached)

Additional documents:


Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting of 09 July 2024 be approved as a correct record subject to correction to the misspelling of Councillor McQuillan’s name in appendix 1, Question Time, question four.



Forward Plan dated 2 September 2024 pdf icon PDF 302 KB



The Leader presented the forward plan. Councillor Smith asked for an explanation as to why the award of the Salthouse Fields Concessions Tender was not listed. Councillor Solomon explained that the concession had been delayed by one year and that it would come forward next year in 2025. Councillor Hunt advised that it had not been possible to complete the report for the previous ocean and rivers motion, due to return to Council, within the planned time limit. The Director of Place would arrange for it to appear on the forward plan.


Resolved: that the Forward Plan be noted.



Motions by Members (Standing Order No. 14)




Birnbeck Pier funding and delivery including funding allocations pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Report of Councillor Canniford (attached)


The report was presented by Councillor Mark Canniford, Executive Member for

Placemaking and Economy. He spoke to the report noting the funding challenge faced by the Birnbeck project, and also provided an update on projects funded by the UK government under the scheme previously known as the Levelling Up Fund.


Members were guided to the additional sixth recommendation detailed in the report.


Councillor Crockford-Hawley seconded the recommendations and expressed his satisfaction with the project progress to date. Members conveyed concern about the long term administration and maintenance costs and arrangements.


Councillor Cartman spoke in support of the project, advising that there was not an additional capital or revenue commitment for the council. Councillor Solomon added that the Lottery funding bid placed responsibility on the council to ensure the project was financially viable for the future. Councillor Canniford reiterated that there was no financial requirement from the council.


Resolved that the Council agreed:

  1. to reconfirm the Council’s support for the Birnbeck Pier project.
  2. to note the submission of a National Lottery Heritage Fund bid for £10m in support of the Pier restoration project.
  3. to note the expected allocation of officer time dedicated to the Birnbeck Pier project, as set out in section 3.1, such allocation was to be subject to normal Scheme of Delegation and managerial controls.
  4. to note the expected updates to the funding allocations across the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) programme, set out in section 3.2.2 of the report.
  5. to delegate authority to the Section 151 Officer to approve virements between projects within the LUF programme, within the agreed overall budget of £23,019,797, in consultation with the Executive Members and subject to the conditions and requirements of the LUF Grant Funding Agreement and approvals from MHCLG.
  6. to note ongoing discussions with the RNLI about the collaboration agreement, particularly the delivery of the pier construction, and to request an update report on those matters for decision at a future council meeting.



Update on Council's financial position for 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Report of Councillor Bell (attached)


The report was presented by the Leader, who observed the rising costs for providing services to the most vulnerable residents as the biggest financial driver behind the overspend. He summarised the severity of the issue in regard to the council’s financial obligations and the consequences of being unable to fulfil those.


The council had limited control over the influences of the increases as the council did not create legislation, influence market dynamics, and did not control the levers to generate income. £12m worth of savings had been identified, but members would need to help constituents to understand that council services would start to feel vastly different. The Leader called for members to unite in delivering clear messaging to residents and to help the council make its case to government. A toolkit was to be provided to support with the messaging. It was repeated that funding for infrastructure projects was ringfenced and the council did not hold the decision making power or flexibility to make choices about diverting funding to address local need.


Councillor Gibbons seconded the recommendation.


Members raised concern that the plans in the report were not urgent or radical enough, and that the short term use of reserves would not address the long term problems faced by the council, and that the burden would fall to the residents and business owners of North Somerset.


Members referenced suppressed council tax rates that had been prevalent in North Somerset and noted that it was a significant contributing factor in the council’s current financial position. Members discussed commercial opportunities and spoke about investing and bringing services inhouse to generate income. The increasing complexity of cases within Children’s Services, and the exploration into disrupting the markets that drove cost pressures were considered.


Members stated the importance of public engagement and communication strategies about why services were changing and asked that the Executive engaged with members in the same vein concerning decisions around services.


Members wanted to understand what conversations had been had with town and parish councils about stepping up to cover services. Members also asked for assurance that the planned changes to Clevedon Seafront would not be impacted. and for insight to the conversations being had with MP’s and government.


The Leader emphasised that the council did not set business rates and that it was a matter of perspective as to whether council tax was a burden or the cost of having services provided. Speaking about the disconnect between a minority public opinion and the positive experience residents did receive from the council, he agreed with the need for rigorous public engagement. Confirming the council’s commitment to the Clevedon Seafront changes, he said there would be challenges, but it would be delivered.


The Leader spoke in favour of ideas around commercial opportunities and drew attention to the report where some opportunities had been outlined. He urged members with business experience to lend their support and expertise. The estimated minimum deficit in council tax revenue, was an estimated £10m annually. It was  ...  view the full minutes text for item COU39


Support Services ICT Contract pdf icon PDF 831 KB

Report of Councillor Bell (attached)

Additional documents:


The report was presented by Mike Bell, Leader of the Council. Noting that the primary benefit to joining DELT would be greater control and influence and to deliver greater savings.


Councillor Canniford seconded the recommendation.


During the debate, members explored the shareholding arrangements, the potential revenue that could be created, and the position of equal voting rights and the green credentials DELT possess.


Potential dividends had not been built into the financial plan as they could not be guaranteed, but the long term hope was for a dividend return. The Leader thanked Councillor Bridger and the scrutiny panel for their engagement, and Councillor Pepperall for her helpful feedback and questioning. He confirmed the shareholder representative would be the Section 151 Officer and that there were equal voting rights.


Resolved: that the Council approved that North Somerset Council join DELT Shared Services Ltd as a shareholder, with the aim of DELT then providing ICT and related services.



Winterstoke Road Bridge Replacement Scheme - acceptance of MoD funding and increase to capital programme pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Report of Councillor Bell (attached)


The report was presented by Mike Bell, Leader of the Council who noted the Winterstoke Road Bridge was an essential piece of infrastructure and explained that the Ministry of Defence where largely covering the costs.


Members stated during debate there would be a need to fully consider the disruption that would be caused, other highways projects that would be taking place in the wider area during the works, and that appropriate diversions were put in place.


Conversations had been established with Network Rail regarding the required works on the bridge and how it would impact on scheduling. The new bridge had a life expectancy of 100 years, so ongoing disruption would not be anticipated once the replacement had been made.


Councillor Petty seconded the recommendation.


Resolved: that the Council agreed;

  1. to increase the capital programme by £13,940,834 funded from the MoD
  2. the acceptance of capital funding from the MoD of £13,940,834.



Commissioning Plan for the Procurement of Reactive and Planned Maintenance and Minor Works Contract and Property Minor Works Framework pdf icon PDF 160 KB

Report of Councillor Waite (attached)


The report was presented by Councillor Annemieke Waite, Executive

Member for Climate, Waste and Sustainability. She spoke to the report explaining the new contractual arrangements, including the splitting of the bigger contract into two separate contracts for maintenance contract for minor works up to £500,000, and one for a property minor works framework agreement.


Councillor Petty seconded the recommendation.


Resolved: that the Council agreed:

  1. that it be requested that the commissioning plan for the Reactive and Planned Maintenance and Minor Works Contract and Property Minor Works Framework
  2. that agreement be approved that an exception to the Contract Standing Orders be made for Property Minor works up to the value of £160k, whereby direct awards could be made via the Property Minor Works Framework in lieu of three quotes.
  3. to note that the approval be reflected in future Commissioning and Procurement Plans, so that:
    1. for projects up to £499,999, there would be a standard procurement route available via either the Reactive and Planned Maintenance and Minor Works Contract or the Property Minor Works Framework.
    2. for projects up to £1,500,000 there would be a standard procurement.



North Somerset Environment Company Shareholder Update to Council pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Report of Councillor Cartman (attached)


The report was presented by Councillor Ashley Cartman, nominated shareholder representative. He explained the remit of the company and that it was successfully operating and moving towards profitability.


Councillor Petty wished to place on record thanks to the outgoing Chief Executive Officer, Brian Veale.


Resolved: that Council received the NSEC shareholder update and noted progress to date.



Youth Justice Strategic Plan 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of Councillor Gibbons (attached)

Additional documents:


Councillor Catherine Gibbons, Executive Member for Children’s Services, Families, and Lifelong Learning presented the report. The Head of Youth Justice, Michael O’Connor spoke to the report, stating the importance of undertaking interventions to help young people to understand the consequences of their actions, and to take accountability through restorative justice. His ambition was to create the best youth justice system in the country. Among other successes, it was noted that North Somerset Youth Justice Services would be the first to become a Greggs Youth Justice Breakfast provision.


Members spoke in commendation of the report and raised that the youth justice building was in a poor state of repair which did not send a positive message to the young people using the building.


Councillor Waite seconded the recommendation.


Resolved: the Counciladopted the strategic plan for the Youth Justice Partnership for 2024-25.



Corporate Parenting Report pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of Councillor Gibbons (attached)


Councillor Catherine Gibbons, Executive Member for Children’s Services, Families, and Lifelong Learning presented the report. Councillor Gibbons spoke to the report and detailed the “Walk a Day in my Shoes” initiative.


Councillor Charles seconded the recommendation.


Resolved: that the Councilagreedto discuss and note the content of the report and agreed that the Participation Service enabled the sharing of children and young people’s experiences through the “Walk a Day in my Shoes” art installation at an in-person meeting of the Full Council.



Question Time (Standing Order No.18) pdf icon PDF 973 KB

Questions must relate to issues relevant to the work of the Executive, the Planning and Regulatory Committee, Employment, Licensing, Audit or Standards Sub-Committee.


Members are requested to supply the Democratic Services Officer with a note of each question at, or just after, the meeting.  A summary note of each question will be included in an appendix to the minutes.


See appendix 2.



Reports on joint arrangements and external organisations and questions relating thereto




Petitions to be presented by Members (Standing Order No. 16)

These have to be received by the Assistant Director Legal & Governance and Monitoring Officer by 12.00 noon on the day of the meeting. 




Announcements (if any)

1.    Chairperson’s Announcements


2.    Leader’s Announcements


3.    Chief Executive’s Announcements


Councillor Hunt shared her positive experience from attending the 20 year anniversary of the Campus.


Jo Walker, Chief Executive Officer, gave formal thanks to the outgoing Chief Executive Officer of NSEC, Brian Veale. She noted his passion and dedication to the role and wished him well. Stuart Jennings would be acting up during the recruitment process.



Urgent business permitted by the Local Government Act 1972 (if any)

For a matter to be considered as an urgent item, the following question must be addressed:  “What harm to the public interest would flow from leaving it until the next meeting?” If harm can be demonstrated, then it is open to the Chairperson to rule that it be considered as urgent. Otherwise the matter cannot be considered urgent within the statutory provisions.

