Agenda and draft minutes

Planning and Regulatory Committee - Wednesday, 21st August, 2024 2.30 pm

Venue: New Council Chamber

Contact: Hazel Brinton 

No. Item

PAR 27

Public speaking at planning committees (Standing Order 17 & 17A)

Please note: Public speaking about applications for planning permission will be at the start of relevant agenda items rather than at the start of the meeting.  Time limits and notification deadlines are as set out below.


Each speaker will be limited to a period of five minutes for public participation on non-planning matters (up to a maximum of 30 minutes) and four minutes for the applicant/supporters and four minutes for objectors on a planning application (up to a maximum of 30 minutes).


To receive and hear any person who wishes to address the Committee. The Chairperson will select the order of the matters to be heard.


If there is more than one person wishing to object to an application, the Chairperson will invite those persons to agree a spokesperson among themselves. In default of agreement the Chairperson may select one person to speak.


Requests to speak must be submitted in writing to the Assistant Director Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer, or to the officer mentioned at the top of this agenda letter, by noon on the day before the meeting and the request must detail the subject matter of the address.


Please ensure that any submissions meet the required time limits and can be read out in five minutes for public participation on non-planning matters (up to a maximum of 30 minutes) and four minutes for applicant/supporter statements and four minutes for objector statements on a planning application (up to a maximum of 30 minutes). Members of the public are advised that 500 words at normal speaking speed equate to a four minute statement.



There were no speakers under Standing Order 17.


Four requests to speak had been received under Standing Order 17A and the speakers would be invited to address the committee immediately prior to the consideration of the applications in question.


PAR 28

Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (Standing Order 37)

A Member must declare any disclosable pecuniary interest where it relates to any matter being considered at the meeting. A declaration of a disclosable pecuniary interest should indicate the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. A Member is not permitted to participate in this agenda item by law and should immediately leave the meeting before the start of any debate.


If the Member leaves the meeting in respect of a declaration, he or she should ensure that the Chairperson is aware of this before he or she leaves to enable their exit from the meeting to be recorded in the minutes in accordance with Standing Order 37.


Councillors Payne and Solomon declared a personal interest in PAR33 as members of the Birnbeck Regeneration Trust. 


As the application was the council’s own and the interest was not pecuniary, the solicitor advised that they would be able to take part in the debate and the decision.

PAR 29

Minutes from 17 July 2024 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

17 July 2024 to approve as a correct record (attached).



Councillor Thomas advised that he had been present for the meeting but was not listed as an attendee.


Resolved: that with the addition of Councillor Thomas as an attendee, the minutes of the meeting be approved as a correct record.

PAR 30

Appointments to Weston-in-Gordano Parish Council pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of the Assistant Director Legal and Governance and Monitoring Officer (attached).


The Chairperson moved the item up the agenda.  The solicitor explained the background to the request and confirmed the council had the power to appoint councillors to the parish council.


Resolved: that Neville Hall and Christopher Saunders be appointed to Weston-in-Gordano Parish Council.

PAR 31

Planning Application 22P1172FUL - Land off Hilliers Lane, Churchill pdf icon PDF 234 KB

Section 1 report of the Director of Place Directorate (attached).



The Chairperson explained that the application had been considered by the committee at its meeting on 17 July.  As the committee decision was contrary to the officer’s recommendation, the application had been held over to this meeting in accordance with council procedure to enable the issues raised to be considered before the committee reviewed its decision.


At the invitation of the Chairperson, David Johnson, Chairperson of Churchill Parish Council, addressed the committee speaking against the application, followed by Oliver Turburville, local resident, speaking against the application and Harry Landers, agent for the application, speaking in favour of the application.


The Director of Place’s representative presented the report and drew members’ attention to the Update Sheet which had been published the previous day and the additional condition 31 in relation to works identified in the approved Stage 1 Road Safety Audit.


At the invitation of the Chairperson, the ward member was invited to address the committee.


Motion: that the application be REFUSED for the same reasons as at the committee meeting of 17 July 2024.


After debate and a vote, the Motion recorded above was lost.


Following further debate, it was


Resolved: Subject to


a) the submission of a stage one Road Safety Audit and incorporation of any mitigation measures identified through the RSA, and


b) the completion of a Habitats Regulation Assessment, and


c) the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement securing:


I. the provision of 30% Affordable Housing,


II. the delivery, and future management arrangements, of an area of land to be secured in perpetuity for ecology/bat mitigation purposes,


III. financial contributions towards (i) funding of Traffic Regulation Order application and lining costs in connection with parking restrictions around site entrance, (ii) public transport, including provision of two replacement bus stops with shelters and associated cabling and electrical cost, (iii) travel plan comprising sustainable travel vouchers to be spent flexibly on sustainable travel such as taster bus tickets and cycle equipment, (iv) offsite improvements to surface of public right of way LA2/31, (v) a payment for maintenance of on-site Neighbourhood Open Space (vi) Home to School Transport(if required).


the application be APPROVED (for the reasons stated in the report) subject to the following conditions:


1.       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of three years from the date of this permission.


2.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following documents and approved plans and those to be approved under the conditions attached to this consent unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority:


Location Plan                               MR50039|1000

Existing Site Layout Plan             MR50039|1001

Planning Layout                           RL50039|1200 Rev L

Facing Materials Strategy             24616/3100F

Affordable Housing Strategy        24616/3200F

Boundary Strategy                       24616/3300F

Storey Heights Strategy               24616/3400E

Highways Strategy                       24616/3500G

Refuse Strategy                           24616/3600E

Sustainability Strategy                 24616/3700E

Street Elevations                          24616/5000D

Type OM.3B Floor Plans (plots 3,12 & 25)        24616/4004-1D

Type OM.3B Elevations (plots 3 & 12)               24616/4004-2E

Type OM.3B Elevations (plot 25)                      24616/4004-3E

Type OM.3E Floor Plans (plots 23 & 24)           24616/4006-1D

Type OM.3E Elevations (plots 23  ...  view the full minutes text for item PAR 31

PAR 32

Planning Application 22P2889FUL - Wild Country Farm, Barrow Gurney pdf icon PDF 783 KB

Section 1 report of the Director of Place Directorate (attached).



The Chairperson explained that the application had been considered by the committee at its meeting on 17 July 2024.  As the committee decision was contrary to the officer’s recommendation, the application had been held over to this meeting in accordance with council procedure to enable the issues raised to be considered before the committee reviewed its decision.


At the invitation of the Chairperson, Sara Tucker, agent for the applicant, addressed the committee speaking in favour of the application.


The Director of Place’s representative presented the report and brought members’ attention to the Update Sheet which had been published the previous day.


Following debate, it was


Resolved: contrary to officers’ recommendation to APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions (for the reasons stated in the report) on the basis that members considered the application to be a suitable Green Belt use and wished to encourage a small rural business and a young businesswoman into rural employment.  Further, the agreement is subject to any other additional or amended conditions as may be required in consultation with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson and local ward member.:


1.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following documents and approved plans and those to be approved under the conditions attached to this consent unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority:


Site location plan drawing no. NL138-2001 Dated September 2022

Existing site plan drawing no. 1 rev 5 dated 12 June 2023

Proposed site plan drawing no. 2 rev 10 dated

Existing access plan drawing no. 3 rev 3 dated 21 Dec 20222

Proposed stables drawing no. 5 rev 4 dated 24 November 2022

Proposed stables elevations front and side drawing no. 6 rev 4 dated 24 November 2022

Proposed stables elevations rear and side drawing no. 7 rev 4 dated 24 November 2022

Proposed barn ground floor plan drawing no. 8 rev 3 dated 24 November 2022

Proposed barn proposed elevations front and side drawing no. 9 rev 3 dated 24 November 2022

Proposed barn elevations, rear and side drawing no. 10 rev 3 dated 24 November 2022

Proposed roof plan drawing no. 11 rev 3 dated 24 November 2022

Proposed equestrian store (retention) drawing no. 12 rev 1

Proposed recuperation shelter drawing no. 13 rev 1 dated 16 May 2023

Equine manure store ground floor plan and elevations drawing no. 14 rev 1 dated 5 November 2022

Proposed toilet block ground floor plan and elevations drawing no. 16 dated 6 November 2022.

Waste management Plan

Aboricultural report dated June 2023

Surface coal resource assessment ref no. S138-2A June 2023

Perma net details and electric netting 3 pages

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment Report ref no. 2023-053 version 2 dated 10 October 2023.

Wild country Farm business plan/combined budget forecast/induvial enterprise cost cards

Essential Needs Appraisal ref no. S138-2 dated November 2022.


2.       The residential use hereby permitted shall cease and the associated mobile home shall be removed from the land and the  ...  view the full minutes text for item PAR 32

PAR 33

Planning Application 24P0679RG3 24P0680RLA - Birnbeck Pier, Birnbeck Road, WSM pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Section 1 report of the Director of Place Directorate (attached).



The Director of Place’s representative presented the report.


At the invitation of the Chairperson, the ward member spoke in support of the application.


Following debate, it was


Resolved: to APPROVE planning permission (for the reasons stated in the report) subject to the approval of the Habitat Regulation Assessment by Natural England and the following conditions and any other additional or amended conditions as may be required in consultation with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson and local members:-


1.     The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of three years from the date of this permission.

2.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and documents to be listed on the decision notice.


1245-HAV-A-P1000 Site Location Plan C

1245-HAV-A-P1001 Extended Topography Plan 1:1000 B

1245-HAV-A-P1002 Landside Topography Plan 1:250 B

1245-HAV-A-P1003 Island Topography Plan 1:250 B

1245-HAV-A-P1004 Existing Site Plan 1:1000 B

1245-HAV-A-P1005 Existing Pier Island 1:250 B

1245-HAV-A-P1006 Existing Landward Area 1:250 B

1245-HAV-A-P1100 Proposed Site Plan 1:1000 F

1245-HAV-A-P1101 Proposed Pier Island 1:250 C

1245-HAV-A-P1102 Proposed Landward Area 1:250 E


1245-HAV-A-P1007 Pier Master's Cottage Ground, First Floor and Roof Plan - Existing and Demolition - 1:50 B

1245-HAV-A-P1008 Pier View Ground, First, and Roof Plan - Existing and Demolition B

1245-HAV-A-P1009 South Toll House, Shell shop and Historic Gate line Ground Floor and Roof Plan - Existing and Demolition C

1245-HAV-A-P1011 1888 Boathouse Lower and Upper Ground Floor and Roof Plan - Existing and Demolition D

1245-HAV-A-P1012 Pavilion Ground, First Floor and Roof Plan - Existing and Demolition B

1245-HAV-A-P1104 Pier Master's Cottage Ground, First Floor and Roof Plan - Proposed B

1245-HAV-A-P1105 Pier Master's Cottage Extension Ground Floor and Roof Plan - Proposed D

1245-HAV-A-P1106 Pier View Ground, First Floor and Roof Plan - Proposed D

1245-HAV-A-P1107 South Toll House, Shell shop and Historic Gate line Ground Floor and Roof Plan - Proposed E

1245-HAV-A-P1109 1888 Boathouse Lower and Upper Ground Floor and Roof Plan - Proposed D

1245-HAV-A-P1110 Pavilion Ground, First Floor and Roof Plan - Proposed - 1:50 D

1245-HAV-A-P1111 Landside Toilet Block, Ground Floor and Roof Plan Proposed D


1245-HAV-A-P2000 Landside Elevations B

1245-HAV-A-P2001 Landside Sections B

1245-HAV-A-P2002 Island Site Elevations B

1245-HAV-A-P2003 Island Site Sections B

1245-HAV-A-P2004 Pier Master's Cottage Elevations- Existing and Demolition D

1245-HAV-A-P2005 Pier Master's Cottage Sections - Existing and Demolition C

1245-HAV-A-P2006 Pier View Elevations and Sections - Existing and Demolition B

1245-HAV-A-P2007 South Toll House, Shell shop and Historic Gate line Elevations and Sections - Existing and Demolition C

1245-HAV-A-P2008 Clock Tower Elevations and Sections - Existing B

1245-HAV-A-P2009 1888 Boathouse Elevations - Existing and Demolition B

1245-HAV-A-P2010 1888 Boathouse Sections - Existing and Demolition B

1245-HAV-A-P2011 Pavilion Elevations - Existing and Demolition B

1245-HAV-A-P2019 Pier Master's Cottage Cliff Elevation - Existing and Repair C

1245-HAV-A-P2100 Pier Master's Cottage Elevations- Proposed - D

1245-HAV-A-P2101 Pier Master's Cottage Sections - Proposed C

1245-HAV-A-P2102 Pier Master's Cottage Extension Elevations- Proposed D

1245-HAV-A-P2103 Pier Master's Cottage Extension Sections - Proposed C

1245-HAV-A-P2104 Pier  ...  view the full minutes text for item PAR 33

PAR 34

Planning Appeals 21082024 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Section 3 report of the Director of Place Directorate (attached).



The Director of Place Directorate’s representatives reported on appeal decisions and appeals that had been lodged since the date of the last meeting. 


Resolved: that the report be noted.

PAR 35

Urgent business permitted by the Local Government Act 1972 (if any)

For a matter to be considered as an urgent item, the following question must be addressed: “What harm to the public interest would flow from leaving it until the next meeting?” If harm can be demonstrated, then it is open to the Chairperson to rule that it be considered as urgent. Otherwise the matter cannot be considered urgent within the statutory provisions.

