Agenda item

Development Programme: Commissioning Plan for Development of Sites in Weston-super-Mare (Agenda item 21)

Report of Councillor Canniford (attached).


Councillor Canniford presented the report.  He outlined the proposals and anticipated timeline for securing a development partner for these sites, with a focus on ensuring quality and deliverability.  A cross party member working group was proposed to oversee the commissioning and procurement process.  He suggested that delivery on these sites would be challenging which created additional financial risk but he stressed that without council intervention these sites would remain undeveloped.  He drew members’ attention to options being considered for temporary ‘meanwhile uses’ to bring activity and new attractions to the sites, such as the use of converted shipping containers offering short-term low rent premises for independent businesses.  He thanked officers for the report and the Place Panel for its input.


In discussing the report members welcomed the proposals but urged caution in terms of expectations, noting these sites were both financially and practically challenging and the various failed attempts to develop them over many decades.  It was suggested development of these sites was essential for the improvement of the Town Centre economy and existing housing stock, and for the provision of more affordable housing. Members referred to the need for housing that was truly affordable, to include social rent and shared ownership, and suggested affordable housing levels should reflect the 40% recently agreed as part of the Local Plan consultation.  Reference was also made to the need for child and family friendly housing.  While there was support for an ambitious development package, reference was also made to the importance of realism, having regard to the particular constraints and challenges these sites presented and the likelihood of significant public subsidy being required to achieve the proposed affordable housing levels.  Reference was also made to the need for ambitious goals in relation to climate change and for the carbon footprint of all capital projects to be closely scrutinised.    


In response to a proposal for a further recommendation requiring the Executive Member to consult with the Chairman of the Place Panel, Councillor Canniford referred to recommendation (3) in the report that proposed the establishment of a Member Working Group, and agreed to include consultation with the Chairman of the Place Panel.


Motion: Moved by Councillor Canniford, seconded by Councillor Bell and




(1)  that the Commissioning Plan for the procurement of a development partner for residential and/or mixed-use development sites in Weston-super-Mare, as set out in section 3 of the report, be approved;


(2)  that authority be delegated to the Executive Member for Placemaking and Economy to finalise the package of sites for inclusion in the procurement, subject to the outcome of acquisition and business case processes;


(3)  that the establishment of a Member Working Group be agreed to oversee the commissioning and procurement process, as well as ‘meanwhile use’ proposals, and to consult with the Chairman of the Place Panel;


(4)  that authority be delegated to the Director of Corporate Services (Section 151 Officer), in consultation with the Executive Member for Placemaking and Economy, to approve the submission of funding bids to any value to support development and/or ‘meanwhile use’ proposals, should such opportunities arise;


(5)  that an allocation of £693,493 from the approved capital programme for Social Housing Grants (KAH201) be approved, to be made available through the procurement process to the successful bidder to support the provision of affordable housing and/or enhanced sustainability measures at these developments; and


(6)  that the principle of facilitating ‘meanwhile uses’ on sites prior to their development be endorsed, subject to further business case development.

Supporting documents: