Agenda item

Pre-consultation sign-off of the draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy - in preparation for public consultation (February-March 2023) (Agenda item 20)

Report of Councillor Solomon (attached)



At the invitation of the Chairperson, Councillor Solomon presented the report noting that the strategy was a legal requirement and covered a 10-year period.  The consultation period would commence in February 2023 for 8 weeks.  The strategy would be brought back to the Executive later in the year.


The Chairperson noted the report highlighted how residents could report local flooding issues to the council.


Resolved:  that the Executive approved the draft local food risk management strategy document for public consultations.


Reasons for the decision:

As set out in the report and discussed above.


Alternative options considered and rejected:

As set out in the report and discussed above.




Supporting documents: