Agenda item

Birnbeck Pier (Exempt Report) (Agenda item 24)

(exempt under para 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)).


Exempt report of Councillor Canniford (attached)


Councillor Canniford presented the exempt report.  He referred to the considerable work undertaken with partners at the RNLI and Historic England to save the derelict Grade II* Pier, and reported that the Compulsory Purchase Order process had led to the current owner agreeing to Heads of Terms for the sale of the site to the Council.  He outlined the challenges and opportunities presented in pursuing an acquisition and working with partners to bring the Pier back in to use, as set out in the report, and referred to the option to no longer participate in the project.  He sought cross party support for the proposals from across the district in order to take this forward and deliver a better future for Birnbeck Pier.


Motion: Moved by Councillor Canniford and seconded by Councillor Crockford-Hawley


“That the first set of recommendations as set out in the exempt report be approved and adopted.”


Councillor Cartman proposed an amendment to the recommendations, with the addition of a further recommendation requiring any increase in expenditure over and above that set out in the report to be brought back to Council, as follows:


“that no capital or revenue expenditure by the council (which for avoidance of doubt does not include any sums received from third parties) for any aspect of the project save those items specifically identified in section 5 of the report may be incurred without further consideration by and approval of full Council and no virement from any other budget to support the project may be made without consideration by and approval of full Council.”


The proposed amendment was taken on board by Councillors Canniford and Crockford-Hawley, as mover and seconder of the original Motion.


Members thanked officers and the council’s partners for their work and support in bringing these proposals forward and, following further discussion, it was, unanimously


Resolved:  having noted that agreement has been reached with RNLI as to the proposed terms for a collaboration agreement and lease, and that Historic England or Levelling Up funding has been confirmed prior to this meeting, Council agrees:


(1) to enter into the Collaboration agreement and Lease agreement with the RNLI which will provide the principles and commitments around jointly taking forward the restoration of Birnbeck Pier;


(2) to delegate authority to the Director of Place, in consultation with the Executive Member for Placemaking and the Executive Member for Assets and Capital Delivery and the Executive Member for Corporate Services and the S151 and Monitoring Officers, to finalise the collaboration and lease agreements with the RNLI;


(3)  to proceed with acquisition of the freehold of Birnbeck Pier and Island (ST212047), subject to completion of the collaboration and lease agreements with the RNLI and Historic England or Levelling Up funding to cover the acquisition cost being contractually committed;


(4)  to delegate authority to the Directors of Place and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Placemaking and Executive Member for Assets and Capital Delivery, to finalise the acquisition of the Pier and Island and then enter into the lease with the RNLI for an area for the construction and operation of a new lifeboat house and associated facilities for its operation on the island;


(5)  to delegate authority to the Director of Corporate Services/Section 151 Officer to apply for, accept and expend grants and complete the budgetary transactions associated with the project;


(6)  to provide officer time to develop funding applications and explore establishment of not-for-profit organisation/s to support the future operating model; and


(7)  that no capital or revenue expenditure by the council (which for avoidance of doubt does not include any sums received from third parties) for any aspect of the project save those items specifically identified in section 5 of the report may be incurred without further consideration by and approval of full Council and no virement from any other budget to support the project may be made without consideration by and approval of full Council.